
Itchy Feet

Travel the world is all I want to do… but we all know that travelling costs a fair bit of money. Money, I don’t have. (Hence the two jobs!) I have a serious case of itchy feet, I just want to see the world and experience new cultures. I’m that person who is constantly reading travel blogs in the hope that one day I can travel to different countries and write about my experiences. My aim is to work for a year or so, in order to save enough money, then jet off to one of my many planned locations. However, although I plan on saving all my pennies for some time first I have got two trips planned nearer the end of this year with family. In September, we will be making one of our many trips to Northern Ireland to visit family. I absolutely love Ireland, especially where my family is from. It is the perfect mix of seaside and countryside, much like my hometown near the South Downs. Visits to Ireland always bring back fond memories and is a place that I now find myself calling a second home. However, the trip I am most excited for is in November. I am finally going to America! I have wanted to go to America since I was a little girl. Although my motives have slightly changed. (Disneyland is no longer all I dream of!) We are flying to Miami which does terrify me rather a lot as I absolutely hate flying. Which will probably make you wonder “why would someone who hates flying want to travel the world?” The answer is because I think the only way to fight your fears is to do the fear itself. So, I’m going to put myself through the longest flight of my life by about 7 hours and just hope for the best!. From Miami, we are going to drive down the coast to Key West where we will spend most of our holiday. Of course, I will be writing posts about my travels but until then I’ll add some photos of my future destinations.
