
Feminists Don’t Wear Pink And Other Lies ~ Scarlett Curtis

After being gifted this book by Claire for Christmas I was eager to start it in the new year. I feel like the word ‘feminist/feminism or the ‘F-Word’ as it is regularly referred to as throughout this book has a large fog of misconception surrounding it. Many, including myself, I think are almost too scared to admit to what extent we view ourselves as feminists. This is mainly due to its constant bad portrayal in the press and on social media.

This collective curated by Scarlett Curtis has a plethora of stories from many famous women sharing what feminism means to them and how it has shaped them and affected their lives.

Curtis has split the book into 5 sections: Epiphany, Anger, Joy, Action and Education. Each essay included then being slotted into one of the above categories. There is also a poignant poetry break in the middle which provoked you to think even more and added section for further reading at the end put together by Emma Watson.

Personally, the timing of this book couldn’t be any more perfect. We are living in a world where girls and boys alike are growing up in a mass confusion not knowing what thoughts are actually their own and not what has been fuelled by the media.

Having just finished this book I don’t really think I can tell you just how much this book resonated with me or whether it would affect you in the same ways because I believe that each and every reader will take something entirely unique from this read.

Therefore, what I’ll do instead is finish this post with a few of my favourite quotes from this book.

1. “Or heck, even Belle who through kindness, compassion and a generous heart tamed the baddest beast in town. Say what you want about her feminist shortcomings – ain’t nobody messing with Belle and her books and her beast.” ~ Evanna Lynch

2. “If we’re going to be good feminists, then I think we have a responsibility to nurture not only ourselves, but the future men who are going to stand alongside future women.” ~ Alison Sudol

3. “Online Comment: ‘If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?’“ ~ Helen Fielding

4. “Always go with your gut instincts. Always. If something doesn’t sit right with you, it’s not right. Abort mission.” ~ Zoe Sugg

5. “I will always be the little girl who grew up believing she could make it to the moon, in a world that still debates whether girls should have an education and whether women should have reproductive rights.” ~ Alaa Murabit

6. “Learning to have sex from porn is like learning how to drive from The Fast and Furious. A bloody horrendous idea.” ~ Jameela Jamil

7. “Whether you are quietly active or loudly roaring, you are an ally.” ~ Angela Yee

8. “Don’t lift a woman up by tearing another woman down.” ~ Olivia Perez

9. “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.” ~ Tanya Burr

10. “I preach day in, day out that we are all individually and beautifully unique, and should strive to embrace that, and be unapologetically ourselves.” ~ Tasha Bishop

I highly recommend that everyone reads this book. Both men and women. And I give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating.

M 🌸