
April Round-Up

With April ending we can well and truly say it’s finally Spring! The weather has gotten a little bit warmer and the sun is coming out a little bit more often, which creates perfect opportunities to sit in the sun and read. Whilst April showers are meaning that we’re looking forward to May, here’s what we loved from this month!

C: I thought this was going to be quite difficult this month, I’ve read quite a few books that I’ve enjoyed and yet, they were all missing that little something. Until I read Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo which was a phenomenal read.

M: Having only read one book this month, my favourite would have to be They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera.

TV Show/Film:

C: I’ve barely watched anything this month, preferring to spend my evenings on Twitch. My favourite streamers have been Max Fewtrell, Bankai and GabSmolders.

M: Finally had some time to catch up on a few things that I’ve been meaning to watch for ages, the main one being Sex Education. I absolutely loved Season 3 and am really intrigued to see where they take the show next.


C: I’ve listened to a lot of stuff this month but not really anything specific. I did spend a couple of days listening to Gang of Youths.

M: TikTok is constantly bringing new artists to my attention. Two, in particular, I have been loving lately are Cian Ducrot and Lauren Spencer-Smith.

Highlight of the Month:

C: I had the opportunity to go to Hampton Court Palace this month which was amazing. There was so much history that you got to walk through and it was fascinating to see the difference between the Tudor and Georgian eras.

M: This month has given me lots of opportunities to see family that I don’t get to spend time with very often which has been so lovely and full of much-needed laughter.