
Vox ~ Christina Dalcher

Vox by Christina Dalcher is a feminist dystopian novel. Doctor Jean McClellan spends most of her days in silence, limited to one hundred words less she receives an electric shock. It’s the same for every woman in the United States. A new government is in power, a government that believes that women should only be homemakers. Women and girls are not allowed access to money, and passports, nor are they taught to read and write.

This is not something I would normally pick up but I found myself quite enjoying this book. It took me about one hundred pages to really get to the meat of the story but once into it, I was flying through the book. 

Jean McClellan is an interesting character. She’s an Italian who seems to have ignored her heritage in order to fit in with her American life, which was one of my biggest annoyances about her. She’s a complicated character that’s very smart and is finding it hard to adhere to all the restrictions placed upon her, and finding it even harder to see her young daughter accepting their new way of life. Jean also has three sons and that causes some tension, as one of them has fallen prey to all the political propaganda. 

There’s actually a lot going on in this book. There’s a revolution, family drama, an affair, science, politics, religion and a teenage love story. Somehow, all these elements are wrapped up together in a story that is enjoyable to read and isn’t overwhelming. 

Overall, I give Vox by Christina Dalcher four stars.
