
What Sunny Saw In The Flames ~ Nnedi Okorafor

What Sunny Saw In The Flames by Nnedi Okorafor has been on my bookshelf for longer than I can remember. I was initially intrigued by the intricate cover and a blurb that intrigued me. I knew that it would be like noth8ng I had read before. 

We follow twelve year old Sunny, born in New York but now living in Aba, Nigeria. She is albino and ultimately feeling a little lost in the new world she’s living in. Sunny is being bullied at school until she befriends Orlu and Chichi. She is then plunged into the world of the Leopard People where your worst defect becomes your greatest ability. The three of them alongside Sacha form the youngest ever Oha Coven, with their mission to find the Black Hat Otokoto. He is the man responsible for kidnapping and maiming the children in the local area. Together will they be able to overcome the biggest challenge yet or will what Sunny saw in the flames become a reality. 

From the off I was so intrigued by the storyline and couldn’t wait to dive in. Although I loved all the main characters I did find that it just took quite a while to get going. I really struggled to get past the 100 page mark. However once I got to the main action of the book I was hooked and the pages just kept turning. Since finishing I have realised that there are two sequels to this book which made me understand why there was a look of character and world building in the first half of the book. 

The aspect of catching the Black Hat Otokoto was the main attraction for me. I don’t think I will be reading the next two books in any hurry. Overall I gave this book a 3.5⭐️ rating. 
