
Lost With Some Direction



Exams finished a week ago and I’ve started a new job. I’m finally trying to adult! But I’ve now gained this overwhelming feeling of being lost. I believe that purpose is a huge part of an individual’s drive. I feel like I no longer have a purpose since I have finished college. Being part of an education system for most of my life meant my days passed following a rather strict routine. Without that routine, I feel like I am not achieving as much as I was or pushing myself as hard. I thought I would enjoy this time, enjoy the change. But I have to admit it is weird. Starting a new job last week gave me something to focus my time on… it’s a new challenge. But just not as much of a challenge as A-Levels were, which is fine for the moment and don’t get me wrong I am really enjoying myself but I am worried I might get bored. However, I am very glad to have the weight of college off my shoulders. I feel the calmest I have done in a long time, but still just as tired as I am currently juggling two which is draining all the time and energy I have. Which is one of the main reasons why I haven’t been posting as much on my blog. But I have promised myself that I will try and blog more frequently because I just love writing so much and don’t want it to become second best.

Will keep you updated on my journey!
