Books,  Lifestyle

Watercolour Bookmarks

One summer afternoon, during an attempt at a Marvel marathon, we decided to get creative. After seeing something similar online we thought we give it a go and attempt to make our own watercolour bookmarks. 

Things You Will Need:

  • Card/Thick Paper
  • Coloured Markers
  • Plastic Wallets
  • Scissors
  • Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Paper Towel

1. Cut the card to your desired bookmark size, and do the same to the plastic wallet. Then select your colours. 

2. Colour your piece of plastic wallet with chosen markers. 

3. Spritz both card and plastic wallet with a spray bottle. 

4. Place the card on top of the plastic wallet and press down in rolling motion from one edge to another. (Ensure you’re working with a sheet of paper towel underneath.)

5. To blend your colours gently smear the liquid between the layers. 

6. Flip over and peel off the plastic. 

7. Lay flat surface and leave to dry. 

8. Once dried you can write your chosen quote/design on top. 

9. Et Voila!

C🌙 & M🌸