
Pom-Pom Garland

It is the festive season and one of the best parts is decorating. We like decorations that don’t look too festive and can be kept up months after the holidays. This year, we’ve made pom-pom garlands. Here’s how:

You Will Need:

  • Yarn (all photos in this post are using DK yarn)
  • Sharp Scissors
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Two Card Rings

To make the card rings, draw two circles on a piece of card and then a smaller circle inside. These can be any size depending on how big you want your pom-poms and what you have to draw around. When cutting out the inner circle, make sure you cut a slit in the ring as this is needed.

There are two ways of making pom-poms; bigger pom-poms use your hand and the smaller ones and made using the card rings.

Big Pom-Poms

  1. Grab whatever colour yarn you wish the pom-pom to be and then wrap it around your hand one hundred and fifty times. Don’t make it too tight that it cuts off blood circulation.

2. Once done, cut the yarn. Then, cut a piece around five inches long.

3. Lay the separate piece on the surface. Carefully, slide the yarn off your hand and lay it in the centre of the piece of yarn.

4. Double knot the piece of yarn tightly around the centre of the bundle of yarn.

5. With the scissors, cut through the loops on one side of the pom-pom. Then, repeat on the opposite end.

6. Fluff up the pom-pom and then trim, so the shape is more rounded. This is also a good time to find any loops you may have missed.

Small Pom-Poms

  1. Place the two rings together, matching the slits.

2. Grab whichever colour yarn you want and then start wrapping it around the rings. Don’t start (or end) too close to the slit as it may slip off.

3.Carefully, slid the scissors between the two rings and cut the yarn.

4. Cut a piece of yarn around three inches long and as close and you can to the cardboard ring, double knot around the yarn.

5. Fluff up the pom-pom and trim until the shape is more rounded.

The pom-poms can be made in many different colours and as many as you want. However, different yarn sizes will make different size pom-poms.

Once you have made all your pom-poms, it’s time to make the garland.

  1. Layout your pom-poms in the order you want them to appear on the garland.

2. Cut a piece of yarn the length that you want your garland to be. Thread one end onto the needle and knot the other, leaving a two inch tail.

3. Thread your first pom-pom onto the yarn and push all the way along until it comes to rest on the knot.

4. Decide how far apart you want your pom-poms to be and make another knot. Thread your next pom-pom on. Repeat.

5. Once all your pom-poms are threaded on the yarn, make another knot, leave a two inch tail and cut off the excess yarn.

Now, the garland is ready to go up and bring a little bit of festive spirit to your home.

Happy Holidays!