
Christmas Day Update

The best part of 2020?

C: Tough question after the dismal year we’ve had, but probably going to London and doing the Hidden City hunt for the Cheshire Cat. I had so much fun exploring parts of London that I hadn’t before despite them being so close to the places I tend to frequent. It was also the last thing I did before Covid derailed 2020.

M: If I’m honest there haven’t been very many amazing memories made this year. But one of my highlights would have to be all the way back in January when we saw Wicked for the first time. I have everything crossed that the theatre industry will be able to open properly again next year. 

Something you’ve learnt in 2020?

C: I actually learnt quite a bit this year. I fell in love with a cardigan on Instagram and then found out it was a knit-your-own kit. So, I learnt how to knit and from there, I learnt to crochet and to cross-stitch. I’m still a beginner but I enjoy it a lot and have a few projects lined up for the new year.

M: It sounds really cheesy but I have learnt a lot about self-resilience this year. Having to walk away from my job for what will be three times this year on Boxing Day I have shown myself just how tough I can be. 

Best and worst read of 2020?

C: The best read of 2020 is a tie between The Night Circus and The Starless Sea, both by Erin Morgenstern. Morgenstern just has a way with words that creates the most vivid imagery.

The worst read of the year for me was probably Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich. None of the characters endeared themselves to me and I disliked all of them.

M: I think my favourite read this year has to be Wonderland by Juno Dawson. The work they managed to create just drew me deeper and deeper into the story. Controversially, my least favourite read was Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. It just really didn’t grip me and was very painful to try and finish. 

One album that got you through 2020?

C: Without a doubt, the album that got me through 2020 was The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil. I encourage everyone to go check out their music.

M: Confetti by Little Mix. Although this album only came out toward the end of the year it really helped me through the November lockdown and being off work again. Who doesn’t love a bit of girl power?

Christmas book exchange:

What’s going to change in 2021?

C: Hopefully, lots of things and not just the state of the world right now. I’ve decided to start a distance learning degree at the end of January. So, it’s back to studying for me!

M: If I’m being honest I feel the start of 2021 will probably continue in a similar vein but I’m hoping that throughout the year we might return to some sort of normality. 

One 2021 highly anticipated book?

C: As a huge fan of Christina Henry, it’s got to be her new book Near the Bone.

M: There are so many books I’m excited about but one that caught my eye recently was The Project by Courtney Summers. 

Hoping to read in 2021?

C: I don’t think there’s anything, in particular that I want to read, but it’d be nice to put a dent in the unread books on my shelves.

M: just try to continue to make a dent in my never-ending TBR pile. 

A habit that you wish to continue in 2021?

C: The first answer I thought of was Duolingo, but that’s already a habit that’s continued over from last year, not something I’ve started this year. I think a new-ish habit that I want to continue is not leaving everything I want to do in a day until the evening and actually winding down properly before I go to bed. I’ve managed to be much more productive and have slept so much better since I started implementing this into my routine.

M: Mine would have to be Duolingo. It is something I have done on and off since school but this year I really got back into it and currently have a 165-day streak. 

Something you want to learn/do in 2021?

C: There are lots of things I want to do and learn next year, some are really simple and boring, like get a haircut or finish a video game. Others are big things that I am being extremely optimistic thinking I’ll manage to fully complete them next year, but I can definitely make a start. I know it’s a rubbish answer, but there are too many answers to just choose the one.

M: My main goal for 2021 is to try and finish my managerial training at work which has been hosted massively by Covid. Hopefully, I’ll be able to take a step in the right direction.

M🌸 & C🌙