
The Tempest ~ William Shakespeare

The Tempest by William Shakespeare is one of his comedic plays. The Tempest starts with a shipwreck. The shipwrecked people end on an island where Prospero, his daughter, Caliban and a spirit named Ariel reside. Prospero has used his magic to torment the survivors. One of the survivors, parted from the rest of the group falls in love with Prospero’s daughter. Everything starts to happen as Prospero designed it. 

I haven’t read The Tempest before nor have I watched any version of the play. So, reading this, I was very confused and spent most of the time reading it trying to figure out what the plot was and who each of the characters were. 

I didn’t not enjoy this play, I was just confused and had a hard time following the plot. I ended up googling it at one point and even then, I was still confused. It’s just made me want to watch a film version before I make any decisions on whether I like or dislike this story. 

For some reason, I had a notion that Prospero was the villain in this story and I don’t quite know where I got that idea from nor do I know whether that is correct.

Long story short, I don’t quite know what I read. I do know that I’ve at least got the first impressions out of the way before I start to study it later this year. Without much of an opinion to go on, I gave The Tempest three stars.
