
Taste: My Life Through Food ~ Stanley Tucci

Recently whilst splurging a little bit too much birthday money on books, a worker at Waterstones recommended this book to me. I was a tad apprehensive at first as I am not a big reader of memoirs/biographies but I decided to give it a go as Tucci is an actor I have always loved. Taste: My Life Through Food is part memoir and part cookbook which I thought was a really unique concept. The way Tucci managed to weave each recipe throughout the story of his life and many achievements was so wholesome. Although I have watched many of his films and TV shows, most recently having loved his role in Inside Man with David Tennant, I did not really know much about Tucci himself. I was fascinated by his childhood, growing up in America in an Italian family and the food he ate/learnt to cook. Many recipes he has since made his own and are staple meals for his own family. I loved how he had a meal or food-related story for such memorable moments in his life and especially loved how he talked about his time whilst filming and promoting Julie and Julia alongside Meryl Streep. Taste was so raw at times as well, Tucci opened up about the loss of his first wife and mother of his three older children to Cancer and then how he then just over a decade later suffered himself from the cruel disease and is still suffering with the side effects of it today. I loved how at the core of it all no matter the positive or the negative path life leads you on it was always his and his family’s love for eating and cooking good food that kept them together. I gave Taste by Stanley Tucci a 4.5 ⭐️ rating, it is by far the most wholesome food I have read in a long time.
