Books,  Lifestyle

Reorganisng My Bookshelf!

Back at the beginning of the year, I bought myself a new bookcase from Ikea. I decided it was time for a new bookcase because all my books were double-layered on each shelf and I had started to hate the fact that I couldn’t actually see all my books at one time. So, the new bookcase was purchased and my original one was moved into the bedroom to be used as an overflow.

To start, I layed all my books out on the floor in piles according to the author’s surname.

I then took each letter of the alphabet up onto the shelf and started organising.

Unfortunately, because I added two extra shelves to try and utilise my space with as many books as I possibly could it meant that my taller books/hardbacks didn’t fit now. So, I opted for doing some stacks horizontal and some vertical.

Above is how it turned out. I really wasn’t happy with it as I had quite a lot of overflow onto my other bookcase. However, I decided to leave it for a while and see how it felt. In the end… I hated it!

It needed to be changed!

The best outcome was when I removed all my larger/hardback books out and put them on my old bookcase in the bedroom.

Now all my books are flush and I can fit so much more on my new bookcase with a little extra room for the books I will inevitably end up buying!

Today, I finally got round to putting all my trinket/ornaments/keepsakes on the shelves. Below are a few pictures of the final product which I am very happy with.
