
Funny You Should Ask… Again ~ The QI Elves

Funny You Should Ask… Again by the QI Elves was gifted to me by my Secret Santa at work. Anyone who knows me knows that I love a quiz. So much so that I wrote and ran my own pub quiz at my previous job. QI is also one of my favourite programs to watch so this gift could not have been any more suited to me. The introduction written by Zoe Ball had me hooked and I found myself more and more intrigued as the questions went by. Some personal favourites that are answered in the book would have to be:

  • If Rome wasn’t built in a day, how long did it take?
  • What lottery numbers should I pick?
  • How to wash raspberries?

I really enjoyed reading this book as it was really quite interesting. I gave Funny You Should Ask… Again a 3.5⭐️ rating. 
