
End Of An Era 😔


So, with my final A-level exam creeping ever closer I thought it would be appropriate to do the nostalgic post to try and sum up the last 14 years of my life which I have spent in education. There have been some incredible highs throughout the years but there have definitely been times when I’ve just wanted to throw the towel in and give up. I have made and lost many friends, but the ones who have stuck around will hold a special place in my heart for many years to come. I write this post (admittedly slightly tears eyed) looking back at all the experiences I have been fortunate enough to be a part of and the mistakes I have made. Both making me the person I am today. I officially have 3 days left of college and it will all be over, I’ll take my first step into the real world and better learn quickly how to adult otherwise I’m screwed. Some of my friends are going to Uni, others aren’t. At the moment I join those who have decided not to go, which is a decision that took me a while to make. I think I will one day but at the moment I’ve had enough of education and just want to earn some money and see the world. I wish all those sitting their final exams over the next few weeks all the luck in the world and that when August comes around that you get the results you hope for. I have everything crossed 🤞🏻

Let the next chapter begin!
