
Coraline ~ Neil Gaiman

Coraline by Neil Gaiman is a children’s classic. Coraline Jones has recently moved into a new house. She has bizarre neighbours but even more bizarre is the door that opens to a brick wall. Whilst bored, Coraline unlocks the door and discovers a passageway to another flat, that is the same as her own, just different. The food is better, the neighbours are much more exciting and the mother and father cherish her; they want to keep her forever.

I’ve had a stressful few days at work and needed a comfort read. What I didn’t expect was to sit and read Coraline in one sitting. I didn’t manage that last time I read this book, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Coraline is sufficiently creepy. The other mother with her button eyes is something out of nightmares and is beautifully written by Gaiman to be scary yet not terrifying. Gaiman has struck the perfect balance between creepy and scary and adventurous and mysterious. It is a kids’ book that is still easily enjoyable by adults and I love that.

I feel like I may have read this book too fast to really take too much in this time around, but I wanted an escape and that’s exactly what I had for a few hours. So, overall I give this four stars.
