
The Fellowship of the Ring ~ J.R.R Tolkien

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien is the first book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo Baggins went on an adventure and brought home with him a ring that could make him invisible. Bilbo passes the ring onto his young cousin, Frodo. Frodo finds himself with an immense task in travelling across Middle Earth to Mount Doom in order to destroy the ring.

I tried to read The Fellowship of the Ring once before when I was six and seven and it was far too much for me to read back then before I had even started the Harry Potter books. Since then, it’s been one of those books that has always intimidated me. I’ve been really motivated with reading recently, so, it was the perfect time to give it a go. 

What really surprised me about this book was the amount of singing that is involved. I knew there were a few songs, and about a week before I started the book, I found out there was a Lord of the Rings musical. It surprised me, but after seeing how many songs there are in the book, it makes total sense.

The Fellowship of the Ring was slow going but nowhere near as hard to read as I had expected it to be. I’ve seen all the movies so the characters and plot were easy to follow. I was quite surprised with how well the films did with their characterisation and from what I remember, the scenes that the movie did include were quite similar to the original which was a nice surprise. 

Overall, I found the book slightly too long and slow. I much preferred the pace of The Hobbit, which is one of my favourite books. The Fellowship of the Ring was a three-star read.
