
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven ~ Mitch Albom

The Next Person You Meet in Heaven has been on my mental TBR since it was announced. It’s been a little while but I’ve finally managed to get around to reading it. I’ve always viewed The Five People You Meet in Heaven as one of the most important books I’ve ever read but never thought it needed a sequel so I was curious about this novel.

Instead of continuing Eddie’s story, it tells of the five people that Annie, the girl that Eddie died saving, meets when she gets to heaven after a hot-air balloon crash on her wedding night. Like Eddie, Annie’s final actions are to try and save her husband and that thread makes it more seamless a sequel.

Annie’s view of herself and the lessons that her five people are there to teach her are something that resonated with me quite a bit. Whilst her life is wildly different to mine, the lessons still fit and are definitely something a lot of women and girls could stand to learn. It was great to see a male author being able to represent that so well.

I enjoyed the novel, and it made me a little weepy at the end. It was nice to read a little more of Eddie (as he is one of Annie’s people), it felt a little like catching up with an old friend.  However, I don’t think The Five People You Meet in Heaven really needed a sequel, it was quite complete on its own.

Overall, I give The Next Person You Meet in Heaven four and a half stars.
