
The Lost Man ~ Jane Harper

The Lost Man by Jane Harper was gifted to me by Claire after I had expressed interest in the book. In this novel we follow an Australian family who live in the Queensland outback. Two brothers own bordering ranches and agree to meet where their properties meet. The whole family’s lives have been shrouded by the legend of the stockman and the grave where he is buried in the middle of nowhere. The Bright’s family is yet again plunged into grief and anguish when brother Cameron is found dead beside the Stockman’s grave.  As the family deal with the death of Cameron, family secrets long buried soon come to the surface in this deeply atmospheric read. 

This books is very character driven which I somewhat struggled with. Harper writes beautifully and develops the character well. I just struggled because I am definitely used to reading must faster paced books. Due to the very remote setting of the book it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion and that much more time had paced. Although I loved some of the characters, Nathan and Ilse, in particular it was a book that didn’t quite hold my attention for very long. 

Overall, I gave The Lost Man by Jane Harper a 3.5⭐️ rating and am still intrigued to read her other books, especially The Dry. 
