
The Paper Girls Series

The Paper Girls are a series of graphic novels curated by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang and Matt Wilson. Set in the late 80s, four 12 year old paper girls, in the early hours of Halloween morning, uncover the most important story of all time. The quiet town of Stony Stream is struck by an invasion of an unknown force. Without realising the group of girls find themselves stuck in the middle of a major conflict between two groups of time travellers. 

I absolutely flew through all six volumes of this series, I just could not put them down. I was so enthralled by not just the plot being created but the incredible detail and ever changing graphics that ultimately brought the story to life. I would highly recommend this series if you haven’t read many graphics novels before, like myself, as they were easy to follow and have made me so intrigued to read other series. 

All six volumes of Paper Girls I borrowed from my local library’s digital catalog through the app Libby. I read them all on my iPad which was so vibrant. I love how easy it was just to flick through the pages. However, now that I have finished the series I will definitely be purchasing physical copies of each volume to have in my own collection. 

Overall, I gave the Paper Girls series a 4.5⭐️ rating and cannot wait to reread them already.