
Home Sweet Home

When writing my goals for 2018 in my bullet journal at the beginning of the year this was at the bottom of the list with the biggest question mark next to it! I really didn’t think this goal would be achievable this year at all… but with true determination, it has happened. My other half and I have moved out of our parents and into our first flat together. I cannot help but smile while typing those words. I know that moving out is quite a big step, and trust me we had been contemplating it for quite some time, but if you live your life constantly worrying about what will go wrong or if you’re not going to be able to afford it then you would never do anything in life, let alone your wildest dreams. So, long story short, we bit the bullet and just went for it. In the end, we only viewed two flats but had our hearts set on the first one we saw which so were totally shocked when we were told it was ours (after doing more paperwork than ever thought humanly possible.) A few months ago this was just a mere dream and a goal at the very bottom of a list. But now it’s a reality and I honestly could not imagine doing it with anyone else. If I’m honest in the 5 weeks we’ve been in our new home our relationship has grown more than I thought it could.


So, here’s to adulting! The world is our oyster (cheesy I know but still true). Hoping to be more active on here over the coming months because I have missed writing but for now that’s my little life update!

I’m loving this new adventure!

M 🌸