
US vs UK Books Covers

This week we thought we’d look at some of our favourite books and compare the covers that were released in the US and the UK. Normally, we tend to prefer the UK cover but this could be biased as it is what we know and are used to. Let us know what covers you prefer!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower ~ Stephen Chbosky

C: Hands down, I like the UK cover the most. The US cover is so boring and a strange colour. Every picture of the cover had a slightly different shade, so I have no idea how green or yellow it actually is. The UK cover has a handwritten, personal feel to it which fits so much more with the book.

M: I think the UK cover is definitely my favourite. I feel like US cover just doesn’t correlate with the story being told, it feels disconnected almost. The handwritten messiness of the UK cover epitomises for me what Perks is about.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here ~ Patrick Ness

C: I’m really torn on these covers. I don’t like the yellow of the UK copy, but I like the simplicity and how the picture compliments the title (also that the font of Patrick Ness’ name is the same on every paperback novel of his). However, the US cover is just so different and I like how it singles out the characters amongst. I do think it looks a little more childish than the UK version, so I think that might be why the UK cover just pips the US cover to be my preference. 

M: If I was standing in a bookshop, the UK cover would 100% catch my eye. The stark contrast of the bright yellow and blue would have intrigued. However, having read the book the US cover just makes sense, the way it singles out certain people. I do agree with Claire, it feels targeted at a younger audience which doesn’t quite work. If I am honest I really can’t choose.

One of Us Is Lying ~ Karen M. McManus

C: There is no competition here, I love the UK cover. I don’t have a particular reason for not liking the US cover, I just think the UK cover is slightly more mysterious without trying too hard. Also, the UK cover has sprayed edges and all three books Karen M. McManus has currently released have a very similar design and that makes me happy.

M: The UK cover win for me every time when it comes to McManus’ books. The fact that all of them are themed to match each over through their cover layout and sprayed edges ultimately pleases my OCD.

Coraline ~ Neil Gaiman

C: I have a little bit of a bias when comparing these two covers because I love Chris Riddell’s art style. However, these two look like completely different books. The US cover is unnerving and scary. The UK cover has a pretty colour scheme and there’s only a hint of uncertainty that is going to come. It lulls you into a sense of security and that is why I prefer it because it lets the scariness come as more of a surprise. 

M: I definitely think I prefer the UK cover when it comes to Coraline. It just reminds me of my childhood. The US cover seems too scary to attract the younger reader, foreshadowing the scariness that will inevitably unfold.

The Great Gatsby ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

C: There are so many different UK copies of The Great Gatsby and I don’t dislike any of them. However, the US cover with its blue background and the eyes staring over the city is iconic. There’s not much else to say. 

M: I am not a fan of any of the Gatsby covers if I am totally honest. I understand the choice of the iconic eyes on the US but the colours just don’t work for me. If I had to choose it would be the UK due to its more pastel pallet.

A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder ~ Holly Jackson

C: I like both of these and they’re quite similar. I think my favourite might be the US cover. I like the way the title is sewn together with the red thread, like linking different ideas. I do like the push pins on the UK cover and the edition of those would make the US cover even better.

M: I agree with Claire I definitely prefer the US version. The way the paper is made to look like cut-outs you would pin of an investigation board in real life gives it a much more authentic and less polished feel.

S.T.A.G.S ~ M. A. Bennett

C: I didn’t like this book very much, but I love the US cover for it. The fancy chair with the dark purple is just so classy and looks like it is for an older audience than the UK cover.

M: The US cover has a much more sophisticated look which I love. It gives less away about the story which I find more intriguing.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo ~ Taylor Jenkins Reid

C: I will admit, photographs of people on the front is not my favourite book cover design. I don’t know which position of this woman I prefer, so my choice is more on the colours. I prefer the UK cover because the red background makes the green stand out more.

M: Honestly, I love both of these covers. The green dress is such a focal point throughout the book. If I had to choose I would probably say the US version as she almost seems more glamorous.

The Hand That First Held Mine ~ Maggie O’Farrell

C: I genuinely can’t choose a favourite on this one. I like the colour scheme of the US cover and the choice of font. However, I like the contrast of the black and white photo to the coloured background and how bold the text is.  

M: Without a doubt, the UK cover is my favourite. The women pictured is exactly how I see Lexie through O’Farrell’s description. I also think the black and white image is more fitting for when the book is set.

Little Fire Everywhere ~ Celeste Ng

C: The US cover is nice however the UK cover is just superior. The font is nicer, the colour scheme, whilst similar is just slightly nicer. I like the simplicity of the singular burning house in the middle. I do think, however, that it would look a lot nicer without the reviews dotted around.

M: Personally, the US cover is just too simple for such a complex book. Maybe this is why they chose such a simple cover to contrast the many layers within. However, I just love the UK version and is why I purchased the book. The singular burning house is so poignant. Much like the book.

What are some of your favourite book covers?

M🌸 & C🌙

One Comment

  • Rowan

    Sorry for the lack of grammar.
    I think its interesting how different countries have different covers(i read somewhere that its for a different target audience but no clue how true that is) its facinating to see how different artists and designers create covers for the same reading material; although thats probably due to different design briefs.