
The Half Sister ~ Sandie Jones

The Half Sister by Sadie Jones was recommended to me by my Mum, straight away I knew I would like the book as we both have very similar taste in genres when it comes to adult fiction. Going into this read I knew very little other than the small insight given by the blurb.

Kate and Lauren are sisters. Sisters who are trying to deal with the recent passing of their father Harry. Still keeping the family tradition going, they meet every Sunday for lunch at Mum Rose’s house. But this Sunday a single knock at the door could change everything they once believed. Young Jess is claiming to be their half-sister, the illegitimate child of their late father. Not willing to believe that their father would do such a thing, the lies start to unravel, showing the once ‘perfect’ family was just a facade.

I honestly could not put this book down which was surprising because I had recently found myself in quite a reading slump. Finishing this book in two days, I just needed to know what was going to happen. This book kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish and I was constantly left guessing when all my suspicions had been proved wrong yet again. I loved the dual narrative, being able to see their childhood from both perspectives was eye-opening. Both Kate and Lauren were such interesting narrators, dealing with their own issues but ultimately willing to risk everything to save their family.

One thing I will say was that by the big reveal at the end I had guessed what was going to happen, however, this didn’t take anything away from the read as it was very near the end of the book. It almost felt like Jones wanted you to point the finger at a certain person. My only negative toward this book was that it left me wanting to know so much more. The two-page epilogue just wasn’t enough to answer all my questions, I needed to know what happened to everyone.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced read giving it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star review and recommend to anyone who loves a mystery thriller.
