
Conspiracy Theories~ Charlotte Greig

Conspiracy: The Greatest Plots, Collusions and Cover-Ups ~ Charlotte Greig

Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good conspiracy theory. I just get so intrigued by theories to do with pretty much everything but the ones that I love reading the most are about famous celebrity deaths; such as, Marilyn Monroe, JFK and Princess Diana. Just to name a few.

I saw this book when scrolling through the 99p Kindle sale and just knew it would be my kind of book. And for 99p, I just can’t resist a bargain!

Conspiracy by Charlotte Greig was definitely not the best conspiracy book I have read as I found the topics that I wasn’t massively interested in a lot more of a drag to read. However, that is nothing against Greig’s writing style just my personal opinion.

Greig does a great job of covering a variety of topics with chapters titles such as The War On Terror, Political Cover-Ups, Murder Mysteries and Celebrity Indiscretions amongst many more. With each chapter having at least four subsections. Greig’s writing style is very neutral she doesn’t try to persuade or dissuade the reader to any specific conclusion which I like as it allowed you to make your own opinions on each theory. However, it would have been nice to know what she thought about some of them in particular. It wouldn’t have had to be very in depth but maybe a little synopsis at the end of each chapter of her own views would have added an extra layer to the reading experience. At least for me, that is.

Overall, I don’t have masses to say about this book because it is exactly what I expected it to be and there is nothing wrong with that. I give Conspiracy: The Greatest Plots, Collusions and Cover-Ups a total of ⭐️⭐️ out of 5.
