
All That She Can See ~ Carrie Hope Fletcher

I ordered this book in a recent Lockdown Book Haul as I have been reading so much due to being off of work. After reading On The Other Side last year I was eager to read more of Carrie’s work. Although I loved the concept of her previous novel some of the execution felt a little off but this didn’t deter from the beautiful story being told. Therefore, I was a tad dubious going into this read. All That She Can See thoroughly proved me wrong. You can see just how much Carrie’s writing has improved from one book to the next and the fact that she wrote this over the course of three different shows (Chitty UK Tour, Les Mis Dubai and The Addams Family UK Tour) absolutely astounds me. 

All That She Can See follows Cherry Redgrave on her Flour Power Tour, hopping from place to place around the UK helping the townspeople. Cherry can see manifestations of people’s bad feelings, these become known as ‘Meddlums’. She sees these giant monster attached to people that follow there every step such as, grief, guilt, hatred, cynicism, loneliness etc. She can identify what these ‘Meddlums’ are without even interacting with the person. Cherry’s life mission after learning that through her baking she can help diminish these feelings within people by putting small amounts of positive emotions into her bakes. So, at each stop on her Flour Power Tour, she will stay in a certain place until she feels her job is done and then find somewhere new to set up shop. Everything is going to plan until she meets Chase who knows her secret and has similar powers himself. They begin a turf war which gets out of hand, will they be able to save the people of Plymouth before it’s too late whilst also trying to save themselves from their own ‘Meddlums’.

Since finishing this read I have seen so many people rip this book to shreds in their reviews. Somethings I’ll admit I agree with but some just feel like they’re picking it apart for the sake of picking it apart. There are some plot holes that confused me slightly but overall I loved the original concept of the story reading this book in just over a day. The way in which Carrie writes you almost get sucked into the world she is creating. I’d put the book down and be shocked that I was way further into the book that I thought. Time just escaped me. The only thing I will say is in both books you can definitely see aspects of her own life intertwined. This is not necessarily a bad thing as its often good to write about what you know. Carrie even admits in her acknowledgements of this book that characters are based on people in her life. Also, I felt like the ending felt a tad rushed I wanted more information on certain elements of the book and would have ultimately loved to see how some of the characters were doing afterwards.

Those things aside I honestly loved this book, it was an easy and enjoyable read with a brilliant concept. Sometimes I wish I didn’t read the Goodreads reviews afterwards, I feel some people don’t like Carrie, therefore, slate everything she does. I guess that is one of the downfalls of putting parts of your life on the internet. People are always going to have an opinion of everything you say and do. Overall, I believe this book deserves a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star review and I will definitely still be picking up Carrie’s other books in the future. 
