
Silent Scream ~ Angela Marsons

My first book of the year is complete… however, looking back now at my choice of book I feel like I have completely disregarded the whole ‘read more books out of your comfort zone’ mantra we are meant to be trying to follow this year. As usual, I went straight back to what I know… a good old gory crime detective book. Surprise, surprise! Even though, I feel like I’ve kinda failed before I’ve even started I’m more than glad that I chose this series to start off 2019.

After multiple recommendations from my Auntie (who is a massive bookworm like myself), I decided to download the first two in the series on to my Kindle. She also gave me paperbacks of books 3, 4, 5 and 6 so I felt like I needed to at least give them a try.

Well… I was more than pleasantly surprised.

At first, I thought it was going to be your cliché, bog standard, detective novel but it was honestly so much more. Its constant twists and turns had me enthralled from the first page. Just so many layers waiting to be unravelled.

The plot predominantly follows D.I. Kim Stone, a strong-willed (takes no shit from no one) motorbike obsessed detective. Alongside a gripping plotline, you also get small glimpses into her background/childhood which is very intriguing and I can only assume that we’ll gradually learn more about it throughout the series. Her childhood also causes her to be challenged and become over-attached to her current case which is full of secrets and lies that have been kept in the dark for many years. Leading to five individuals lives to be hung in the balance.

The book opens with said five people stood around a shallow grave making a pact that they themselves will take to their own graves. It’s a race against time to see whether D.I. Kim Stone can catch a killer whos spree spans over decades.

I would definitely say that a strong stomach might be required as themes of child abuse and murder are divulged in explicit detail. The fast-paced manner of this read kept me on the edge of my seat and I would for sure recommend to any fellow crime thriller novel lovers like myself.

Oustandingly this was Marsons’ debut novel back in 2015 yet the way its written feels like she has been writing bestsellers for years. Not only does her protagonist quickly become someone you feel like you know, but her development of the supporting characters also having you rooting for them all from the off.

I would give Silent Scream 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️and I also look forward to reading the rest of the series which I’m sure will not disappoint either.
