
Never-Ending TBR List

If I’m completely honest the rate I buy books compared to the rate I read books is bad. But I just can’t help it. Although my bank balance and overflowing bookshelves are probably screaming at me to stop. I love books and I love buying books. If I see a book that I like than nine times out of ten I will end up buying it. Personally, I don’t see the issue with purchasing a book I like the sound of knowing that I might not read it straight away. My boyfriend, on the other hand, would definitely beg to differ. Yes, admittedly, some books will sit in my TBR pile for quite some time. Even years. But I do always get around to reading them eventually. 

Sometimes, you have to be in the mood to read certain books and I never try to force myself to read something just because it has been on my shelf for a while. One way in particular that I like to tackle my TBR issue, is by having a pot full of all the books on my shelf that I haven’t read or books I have wanted to read for a while. So, when I am struggling to decide what to read next I pick a piece of paper out of the pot and then read whatever book it says.

Honestly, I believe that if something like books is your passion, then it can’t hurt to have too many. I would say it’s a never-ending supply rather than a problem. So, whether you’re growing your TBR list one book or ten books at a time. Just keep doing whatever makes you happy.
