
Stardust ~ Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is easily one of my favourite authors, and whilst I’ve read quite a few of his books, I never got around to reading Stardust. I had watched the film and really enjoyed it, so I was looking forward to reading the book.

I started off really well reading this and was picking it up in every spare moment I had. Unfortunately, that tapered off and I fell into a bit of a reading slump and took forever to read the last quarter of the book. That’s not to say I didn’t love the novel, because I did, I just had real problems sitting down and reading for pleasure. 

Stardust tells the story of Tristran Thorn who tells the girl he has a crush on that he will fetch her the falling star to prove his love to her. Tristran leaves his home town of Wall and travels through Faerie to find the star, who turns out to be a girl. Together they travel back toward Wall, facing all threats that come their way from witches to Lords fighting for the throne. 

This novel features beautiful writing, well-developed characters and humour particular to Neil Gaiman’s books and it’s exactly what I love in a book. I enjoyed the interlocking storylines, from the brothers killing each other for the throne and the ghosts of the other brothers watching on, to the three witch sisters desperate to get the star’s heart to make themselves young again, to the witch and the enslaved bird. All of the storylines that made Tristran’s storyline so much broader, also made the world of Faerie feel vast and believable.

Stardust, like many other Neil Gaiman books I have read, was a five-star read. 
