
The Song of Achilles ~ Madeline Miller

Last month, I really struggled to find the motivation to read for pleasure. I was reading plenty, just mostly my textbook. However, for my birthday, Millie bought me The Song of Achilles. I adored Circe, I don’t think I shut up about it for a couple of weeks. I have a feeling that it’s going to be the same for The Song of Achilles. 

Madeline Miller is a phenomenal author who retells Greek Mythology. The Song of Achilles is a retelling of the legend of Achilles and his part in the Trojan war, all through the eyes of his best friend and lover Patroclus. 

I will be honest and say that I’m not that familiar with the story of Achilles; I only know the basics, that Achilles was basically invulnerable and that he and Patroclus had their ashes mixed together. 

I sometimes find the first person narrative a little grating, but Miller writes Patroclus so well. I didn’t realise it at the time of reading that the narrative voice matured with Patroclus. It’s so subtle that I’ve only realised it now when writing this review. 

Patroclus starts off as a small child, a prince who’s father doesn’t like him. His father tries to marry him off to Helen (of Troy) and they watch as she choses to marry Menelaus. Years later, Patroclus accident kills a noble’s son and is exiled. In his exile he meets Prince Achilles and after a rocky start a beautiful friendship that evolves to romance.

There are no words to how much I loved this book. I sat down to read and had to force myself to stop after reading a third in one sitting; I really didn’t want it to be over too quickly. I still finished it too quickly, I just wanted it to last for ages, so I could vicariously live their relationship. 

I enjoyed this book so much. I cannot wait to see what Madeline Miller writes next. If you can’t tell already, this was a five star read. I’m starting to think that my favourite genre of book is retellings.
