
2020 Reading Challenge Review

Were you happy with the number of books?

Both of us have surpassed this year’s number of books, but it was something that mostly happened because we suddenly had nothing going on in our lives due to Covid.

How did the monthly themes affect your challenge?

C: Overall, I enjoyed having a little guidance when choosing what I was going to read and it kept me from reading books with a very similar premise. I did find a couple of months harder than I expected them to be.

M: I found it easier than last years challenge as it was less restrictive. I wasn’t entirely successful as I missed a month and annoyingly, it was the month that I had specifically chosen.

How many rereads did you read?

C: Fourteen, but I reread a complete series.

M: Seven.

Would you do the mini-challenges again?

Yes, we are doing mini-challenges again, just different ones.

Did you read outside of your comfort zone?

Neither of us really explored much outside our comfort zones as this year has been a year where comfort reads have been sorely needed.

How many books in your favourite genre did you read?

C: This year’s favourite genre is probably action/adventure and I’ve read about eighteen books in this genre of all different ages.

M: Half the books I’ve read this year have had some crime/detective elements. At least I know what I like.  

Have you made a dent in your TBR lists?

C: I’ve done okay with reading from my shelves but that’s because I haven’t really been able to go and buy books (support your local bookshops!).

M: Not as much as I would’ve liked to. I’m making it my goal for next year is to read more off my shelves.